SacRT Transit Challenge Tracker
SacTRU is inviting RT Board members and other elected officials around Sacramento to participate in a transit riding competition that challenges our community leaders to ride public transit for 1 week, January 13-19, 2020. We believe that best way for our community's leaders to make informed choices is through firsthand experience of what riding on public transit in our community is like.
Similar to our 2018 SacTRU Transit Challenge and the SF Muni Challenge in 2015, this is an exciting opportunity to engage with the public and make transit fun!
We are challenging each board member of Sacramento Regional Transit, Sacramento City Council, Sacramento County Board of Supervisors, candidates, and the directors of SACOG and SacRT to ride public transit for 1 week this September.
We will be tracking points through photos that our community leaders post of themselves riding public transit on social media. Participants will get points by tagging themselves riding public transit to #SacRTChallenge on Facebook, Twitter, or through email. We will record their points daily on our tracker below. We will announce the winner at the January 27th SacRT Board Meeting and present the winner with an award. #SacRTChallenge

2020 Leader Board


Transit Agencies