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Past Events

Members Advocate at RT Board Meeting

Sac TRU members Russell, Sarah & Helen address the Sacramento Regional Transit District Board of Directors about the unfairness of only providing 90 minute transfers at no cost to users of the connect card or the online app (which is only available in English, and excludes riders without access to smart phones and credit cards,) and about inconsistencies in reported income on various budget items.

Join us the Saturday before an RT Board meeting to go through Agenda Items and develop Sac TRU Talking Points. This is an opportunity to learn how RT is governed and to voice your comments. Love RT like we do? Come let the board know. Have a specific concern? Come let the board know!

Here's an example of the talking point for the May 8th RT Board Meeting:

Sac TRU Talking Points: May 8, 2017 RT Board Meeting

• Item No. 2 - Title VI Program Update:

  • Sac TRU Demands free transfers for ALL riders. We encourage RT to treat cash fare paying customers equally. Everyone should be able to enjoy the newly reinstated transfers not only riders who have access to a smart phone, a credit card, and those that can use English only apps.

  • Supervisor Notolli expressed his concerns about the transfer inequity during the last meeting

  • General Manager Henry Li said at the last meeting that Staff reviewed the numbers and found it was too expensive for transfers to be extended across all fares. Is that report available for the public? Have they identified any state or federal grants that might allow them to bring back this service?

  • All discounts and fare categories should be available to everyone, not only English literate customers who have access to the technology.

• Item No. 7 – 2018 Budget:

  • We find the budget to be insufficiently detailed and request a line item budget. The Capitol Improvements Graph is just a big green circle that doesn't really provide a lot of information and seems dependent on the approval of Proposition 1A funding.

  • We believe the current 26 page budget document provided to the public and the Board is insufficiently to fully inform the public.

  • Currently there are no public comments or questions on record on the budget. We want more community outreach, similar to what Sacramento City council has provided. We also request more community outreach regarding this issue.

• Item No. 11 – Prop 1A Funding:

  • Prop 1A funding is flexible, we think there are projects within RT that could benefit a larger group of riders and should be prioritized for this $25 million in funding.

  • We request that RT staff provide an analysis and list of other potential uses for $25million within the currently existing system that the Prop 1A funding could be used for and allow the Board to discuss and vote on the project they think would benefit the most riders within the system.

Click here for Board Agenda documents: Sacramento Regional Transit District (916) 556-0456 RT Auditorium 1400 29th Street Begins at 5:30 p.m. and is open to the public. To ride transit to the event, take buses 30, 38, 67, 68 , light rail, Watt/I-80 to Meadowview or light rail Gold Line, Downtown to Historic Folsom, to the 29th Street Station (train transfer might be involved). Questions? email

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