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Past Events

Connect Card in Other Languages!!

Way to go Riders! Because of SacTRU's Title VI advocacy over the past year, SacRT is translating brochures and signs into Spanish and working with the Connect Card vendor to make the Connect Card and web site more accessible to riders who speak languages other than English! #LanguageJustice

"In order to maximize accessibility to the Connect Card and promote its use by Limited English Proficiency (LEP) populations, SacRT is undertaking several additional efforts.

First, interior car cards have been translated into Spanish and will be installed in buses and trains. Second, brochures on the Connect Card have also been translated into Spanish, and will be circulated in the fleet and at special events. Finally, the Connect Card vendor has been engaged to embed Google Translate service into the Connect Card web site, which will provide translation into over 80 languages."

In addition to amazing public comment at board meetings, SacTRU sent letters to the board here and here.

We will continue working to get RT to provide their English only Mobile Fare Apps in additional languages.

Check out RT's updated Title VI for more details:

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