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Past Events


SACOG joined us for a special presentation with SACOG's Director of Transportation Services, Matt Carpenter, to teach us about funding and planning our public transportation system. We were also joined by Antonio Johnson from the Federal Highway Administration to discuss the US Department of Transportation's review of SACOG's current Metropolitan and Transportation and Improvement Program (MTIP). Our membership had a lot of questions about the role that SACOG plays in funding public transportation in our region and how we can be more involved.

Check out this presentation from SACOG: Presentation

And the role the Federal Government plays in transportation planning: Presentation

More about SACOG: The Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) is an association of local governments in the six-county Sacramento region. Its members include the counties of El Dorado, Placer, Sacramento, Sutter, Yolo, Yuba and the 22 cities within. SACOG provides transportation planning and funding for the region, and serves as a forum for the study and resolution of regional issues. In addition to preparing the region’s long-range transportation plan, SACOG approves the distribution of affordable housing in the region and assists in planning for transit, bicycle networks, clean air and airport land uses.

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